Street Outreach

True North's street outreach team members stand at the Torres Community Shelter sign and smile. From left: Patty, Catt, and Victoria.

From left: Patty, our Lead Outreach Coordinator, and our Outreach Coordinators Catt and Victoria.


Our Street Outreach Team provides critical services to unsheltered people to get them off the streets and into safe shelter and housing.

The team goes out into our community, meeting folks at local encampments, parks, and other public spaces. They provide education about our programs and other local resources, as well as food and hygiene kits.

Street Outreach is a vital service to our entire community’s health and wellbeing. Through this program, we are able to immediately connect individuals living in encampments with the appropriate services to help them take the steps needed to end their homelessness.

“We take our mission of compassion, dignity and accountability, and bring it to the streets. We help people see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

— Outreach Coordinator Victoria

True North staff members provide hygeine kits and water outside a camp in Chico, and one of them holds a tablet to conduct intake. The image has the "25 yrs True North Housing Alliance" logo and says Street Outreach Program on it.